Posts Tagged ‘Renovations’

My tropical bathroom paradise is finished. Finally! It’s been a long job due to Covid lockdown, but it has come together at last, and we can now finally enjoy it. Seeing as it’s been the longest bathroom makeover ever I won’t keep you waiting any longer – the first pic is my finished tropical bathroom paradise. And I couldn’t be happier with the results.

At last, another room about to be completed in my house, our tropical bathroom. We have a really nice big bathroom, but it’s very bland and the shower is quite old and grimy! So today I’m revealing the mood board for our tropical bathroom renovation.

Glamorous, trendy and visually stunning are not words you hear too often in the caravan world. But along came ‘Brigitte’ – the glamavan who now calls St Tropez her home. Bought for £250 from eBay and transformed into a bohemian paradise by her owner, interior designer and blogger, Jane Ashton. We couldn’t wait to share the renovation with you, so we asked Jane to tell us more….
5 Fantasy Bathrooms to Drool Over
23 Aug 2016

There is something about bathrooms whereby your imagination can run riot and you can delve into the realms of fantasy without worrying about getting tired of it as quickly. So here are five fantasy bathrooms to drool over, and inspire you.
House Renovation- Before and After Shots
20 Sep 2014

This property was in a sad state but structurally sound, so it was quite a straightforward job to rewire and plaster throughout. I always find it exciting to see a neglected home emerge from its chrysalis.
House Renovation- After Shots
24 Apr 2013

Last week I posted about a house renovation that my brother, Daniel who is a property developer is working on. You can see lots of shots before the renovation here, but this week I’d like to show you the after shots! Remember what the garden looked like before the renovation? Well this is how it looks […]
House Renovation- Before Shots
15 Apr 2013

We know that everyone loves a good before and after shot, so I’m going to share with you a recent house renovation project that my brother has been working on. He’s a property developer and buys houses, generally which are in a bad way, so that he can then renovate them (*read gut them and […]