Posts Tagged ‘Home’
Dreamy Pink Décor Ideas
18 Jul 2017

Every home needs a touch of pink in celebration of such a glorious, dreamy colour. But not everyone is as taken with the hue as we are, so we’ve collated some of our favourite pink décor ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

We have a very special treat for you today, a masterclass in moody interior design, in the form of a house tour and interview with one of our favourite Instagrammers, Pati Robins. Her design and styling ability never fails to amaze us, so we wanted to bring her home to you, and share a full house tour, as well as hear more about the lady behind this stunning abode.
7 Times Tiles were Totally Terrific
12 Jan 2017

Tiles are a practical solution in a home that many people tend to view as merely a bland backdrop to the overall scheme in a room. But oh, you are missing a trick, in terms of the drama they can bring to your décor tiles are unequalled, and to prove it we’re showcasing ‘7 Times tiles were totally terrific’ to get your creative juices flowing.
‘Into the Wild’: How to Style Animal Interiors
19 Oct 2016

Animals in our interiors are all the rage this season for bringing quirkiness to your décor and a smile to your face. Us ladies at Audenza love this look, but what do you think? Are you ready to join the wild side?
We Love: The Best Dark & Moody Paint Colours
1 May 2016

Picking the right paint colour can be overwhelming, so in this post I’ll share my pick of the best dark and moody paint colours to get you feeling inspired!
We Love: Mandarin Stone Tiles
23 Oct 2015

Now, I’m sure we have all heard of Mandarin Stone, but looking at their website recently I was blown away by the choices and the images. If your thinking about revamping any tiles or flooring in your house, these images can’t fail to inspire you!

Marble has always been with us but it’s now resurfacing as the hot new trend to be used on all surfaces, and in any room in the house. Here I show you three ways to incorporate it into your home, whatever your budget.
Spring Shelfies
22 Apr 2015

In honour of spring I re-styled the black shelves in my hallway recently. I came up with several variations and I would love to know which you prefer.
We Love: Surface View- Interior Decoration
30 Sep 2013

We visited the 100% Design show in London last Saturday and had a great time looking round the stands. One in particular

I do like black accents in a room, I feel it can sharpen up a scheme but I have been pondering recently on going the whole hog and having a completely black bathroom – the worst that can happen is I hate it and have to repaint. Worth the risk I think for a bit […]