Lifestyle & Gossip
MiaFleur is Changing it’s Name!
15 Sep 2017

OK, so we’ve got some fairly big news to tell you. Actually, that’s a lie. It’s like, THE biggest news we will probably EVER tell you.
You see, we’re saying goodbye to MiaFleur….
WIN £200 in Vouchers!
19 Jun 2017

We’ve teamed up with the lovely lot at The Dressing Room clothing boutique to offer one lucky winner a chance to win a £100 voucher to spend with each of us, which means a whopping £200 to spend on fashion and homewares goodies!

Glamorous, trendy and visually stunning are not words you hear too often in the caravan world. But along came ‘Brigitte’ – the glamavan who now calls St Tropez her home. Bought for £250 from eBay and transformed into a bohemian paradise by her owner, interior designer and blogger, Jane Ashton. We couldn’t wait to share the renovation with you, so we asked Jane to tell us more….
How to Brew the Perfect Filter Coffee
10 Feb 2017

If coffee to you is more experience and less convenience, then you’ll love the almost meditative Japanese method of making pour over filter coffee. To celebrate the launch of our new range of coffee accessories, I asked my good friend, Ed owner of artisan coffee shop and café 96 Degrees in Leicester to give his top tips on how to brew the perfect filter coffee.
We’re Taking a Festive Break!
23 Dec 2016

Well, that’s a wrap, folks! Another Christmas and another year. We’ll be taking a much needed break over Christmas, so we’ll be back in the office on the 4th Jan, fresh and ready to bring you yet more wonderful finds in the new year.
Vote For us + Win a Set of Gold Utensils!
13 Aug 2016

We’ve been nominated for an Interior Blogging Award! So once again, we are asking YOU, our lovely readers, customers and friends to vote for us. We’re also running a competition as a bit of a thank you for taking the time to vote and we’re giving away our ever popular gold utensils – a FULL SET no less, worth £156!
7 Reasons NOT to Buy From a Small Company
7 Jun 2016

I shouldn’t really be doing this, in fact it goes against everything we probably should be saying, but I just felt it was time to come clean. Shopping with us doesn’t come without its issues and I thought in the interest of being honest, I’d pen some thoughts on why you might NOT want to buy from a small company.
Dream Decor Book Review + Win a Copy!
21 May 2016

Will Taylor is the writer of the well-known interiors blog Bright Bazaar which is always a riot of life enhancing colour, so if you like colour regardless of the style, Dream Decor is the book for you. And if you want to be in a with a chance of winning a free copy of the book, check out our competition!
We Won!
5 Nov 2015

This time last week we were utterly overwhelmed & hugely grateful, as we won our category ‘Best Organisation Blog’ at the Amara Interior Blog Awards 2015! As a small family run business, working silly silly hours, this award means the world to us! So, we just wanted to say a massive thank you to our lovely readers who voted for us – couldn’t have done it without you darlings!

O.M.G. We did it!! We were shortlisted in the ‘Best Organisation’ category of the Amara Interior Blog Awards for the second year running, no less. Which means we were voted in the top 5 in our category! We’re absolutely gobsmacked and completely over the moon. All of you wonderful people out there that voted for […]